
Lack of Sleep is Ruining Me

I have struggled to get a consistent night of good sleep for years now, to the point where I’m thinking of going to a sleep clinic for a study or a prescription alternative because something has got to give.

When I was younger, I always heard people talking about getting 8 hours of sleep and that what is prescribed blah blah blah. I have never in my adult life gotten 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I know it’s possible cause I can easily identify some family members who do it with no problem.

I am the exemption, apparently, and it’s ruining my life. So there are different types:

  1. I fall asleep but wake up two hours later, unable to go back to sleep, but too tired to do anything and usually with a headache.
  2. I can’t fall asleep until a ridiculous hour. Usually 3:30, then promptly wake up at 5:30, but too exhausted to do anything.
  3. I am asleep but I’m having dreams about stressful situations so I wake up with a headache and also unable to do anything for the day.

I have tried so many things and they don’t work:

  1. Chamomile tea was not it
  2. No blue light after 7 pm didn’t work, plus I had things to do after 7 pm on my computer, so it wasn’t viable.
  3. Meditation before bed
  4. Avoiding large meals before bedtime
  5. Natural remedies
  6. Supplements – melatonin, B12, Vitamin D…

Nothing has worked, and now I am just beyond fed up. How am I supposed to live my life and achieve all the things I need to if I can’t sleep and I’m unable to function during the day?

I tried an experiment before of sleeping during the day and working at night but that’s not viable for some of my clients and it couldn’t stick.

I am searching for solutions at this point and I am willing to try anything!
I just need something to work. Whenever I am well rested, my brain is on fire and my productivity is unmatched, but that so rarely happens. I really wish it was more consistent. Even 3 times a week would be ok but I guess right now it’s too much to ask for.
My reality:

Solutions needed. If anyone knows a good remedy please let me know.

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