
Are you there God?

Today, I find myself grappling with a question that has been on my mind for a while now: Are you there, God? It’s a question that weighs heavy on my heart, and yet, I hesitate to voice it out loud. I wonder if you’re listening, if you’re present in my life, or if you exist at all.

In moments of joy and gratitude, I’ve felt a connection to something greater than myself. I’ve seen miracles unfold, and I’ve felt a sense of peace that can only be described as divine. In those instances, I believed wholeheartedly that you were there, God, guiding me, protecting me, and showering me with your love.

But, there are times when the weight of the world feels too heavy to bear, and I find myself asking, “Where are you, God?” In moments of sorrow, loneliness, and despair, I long for a sign of your presence. I want to feel your embrace, to know that you’re there, holding me close, and providing comfort in my darkest hours.

I try to have faith, to trust that everything happens for a reason, but sometimes, it feels like my prayers go unanswered. I’ve witnessed pain and suffering around me, and I question why you allow it to happen. Are you testing us, teaching us, or is there a higher purpose that I cannot grasp?

I know that faith requires believing without seeing, but I admit, there are days when my doubts become overwhelming. I wonder if my prayers are heard, if my cries for help reach your ears. I want to believe that you’re there, that you have a plan for me, but the uncertainty gnaws at my soul.

Perhaps my journey with faith is not meant to be smooth and unwavering. Maybe these moments of doubt are an invitation to deepen my relationship with you, to seek answers, and to find solace in the unknown. It’s during these challenging times that I must remember to have patience and to trust in your divine wisdom.

I’ll keep searching for you, God, in the depths of my soul and in the world around me. I’ll keep praying, keep seeking, and keep believing that one day, I’ll find the peace that comes with knowing you’re always there.

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