
Everything is a Project

I was reading Start Finishing by Charles Gilkey, and he stressed that we need to focus on what we are ignoring.

“No one has a project that they haven’t hidden away or forgotten about.” This upsets me because of how true it is. When I started 2023, I had so many projects in mind but between sickness and being overwhelmed (with all the wrong things).

The book talks about all the little mundane things we don’t think of as projects but are. These projects weigh on my mind and cause me unnecessary stress and anxiety.

He talks about doing your best work and I have to put the entire quote here:

“Only you have the set of experiences, expertise, skills, and perspectives to do it. In this great orchestra of creation of which we’re all a part, no one can play your instrument the way you do. This means that if you don’t do your best work, we miss out.”

Recently I have been doing some work on Shan’s Journey and I honestly felt so disingenuous it felt false as if I was straying from my original mission. I was disappointed when I saw it and refused to do anything else until gained some clarity.

Thats what the new challenge is all about fixing that and going back to my vision for what this needs to be.

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